How can I become a partners of PatPat Wholesale? Do I need to submit any document?

According to our business development, we have categorized our partners into the following levels:

Clarification Annual Order Amount
PatPat Wholesale Reseller
PatPat Wholesale Premium Reseller
PatPat Wholesale Distributor
PatPat Wholesale Strategic Partners
More than$500000/Year

Based on the current development status of your business, you could choose the cooperation plan that best suits your needs. If you belong to the (PR) first level, you can directly sign up by clicking this link: Create Account place orders directly on our website without the need for any application or documentation. The discounts available to you are as follows:

Total amount of ordered from, $ % discount Code
over $400 5% PATPAT400
over $800 10%  PATPAT800
over $1000 15% PATPAT1000